Saturday, November 8, 2014

Hard choices

Well I had to make a hard and unpleasant choice, it's times I realize; that it's all on me to make it.  Even more I realize that, I miss my mom; because I'm used to ask my mom's option on it and it was usually right.  Another thing I realized that life isn't complicated, we're the ones make it complicated and I often wonder why in the hell we do it for?  An I know that the majority of people are stupid as hell, which makes it hard for the ones with common sense and has more then two active brain cells.  Plus I know I'm just doing a random babbling rant, but maybe I can get some answers in my own head or maybe someone smarter then me!  But life is full of hard unpleasant choices we have to make, for better or worse we got to make them; which we all hope for the best in anything we do, till a later date peace....

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Netflix on my linux laptop....

Well I'm going to get Netflix to play on my linux laptop and I think it's a shame, that they don't support a full fledged linux OS (except for a app on Android).  If I was a better programmer, I'd have it playing on linux or if I was a executive at Netflix.  Because I know a lot of users of both and it would just widen the her base.  Anyway my two cents... 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Random thought and posts

Well I've been trying to get Netflix to play on linux because I hate Microsoft Windows, but I've been doing some research on it and I think I've found a few options that; I'm going to try and I'm hoping it works in the community version of chrome.  If not then I'll get ride of the community version of it and install the other because hulu plus doesn't have much that I like on it.  That being said I'm going to drop hulu plus, an just keep Netflix and pandora one accounts for my entertainment needs for both music and movies (pandora one for music and Netflix for movies and TV) needs.  The main reason I do that is, because I refuse to pay for cable or satellite TV; when I get the net, a boom box and a HD antenna and a HDTV then my entertainment needs are met.  Now to go back to Microsoft I don't agree with their monopoly on the computer market both morally and financially.  Plus why pay for a poorly written operating system, that's virus ridden and with shitty support.  But Microsoft kept me in business, because it keeps getting more and more viruses, an people keep bringing it to me to fix it.  But truth be told, if you want to put me out of business, try Unix and Linux; granted there's a slight learning curve.  Now onto another random thought, I'm a enigma, because I'm a hillbilly, geek and hippie.  But first and foremost I'm a patriot, I love my country; not a corrupt government though.  Tonight is full of random thoughts, like I need to get the Internet back.  Anyway time to pretend like I know what I'm doing later on....

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hitting the streets

Well time for me to be hitting the streets again, the only decent place in Virginia is probably Charlottesville Virginia.  Not sure where I'll end up, I go where God and the wind takes me.  there's risks in no matter what you do, some are bigger then others; but I'm reminded of the saying "if your dreams don't scare you, then you're not dreaming big enough"!  Sadly outside of my fiancé and some really close friends, there's nothing keeping me here.  But I've proven to myself, I'm stronger than I think and I can start over anywhere.  But on the good side I maybe getting a part time job, an if I do I'll be able to save up more money and hopefully get a place sooner!  I'm hoping I can get a job at the holiday Inn or burger King, both for different reasons;  holiday Inn if I ever lose my place or if there's any reason I need to spend the night or if there's a convention I can just stay there, but burger King I can get food for free!  But I do know need money to get the hell out of here, because things are so bad here.  I know when I get my bus ticket, I was raised on the highway interstate 81 as a matter of fact.  There's times where I feel like I'm a born drifter, I still dream about finding a place to spend the rest of my life; with the ones I love.  Also I can say this from all the shit I've been through, it's taught me a lot, that you can go two ways when times; you can either let it kill you or you can it let it make it you stronger.  But anyway in the immortal words of the doors "time hesitate us through".....

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Well as I sit here, I can't help but think how depressing some things are in my life.  Like for example, I'm usually broke and McDonald's won't hire me, because I've got tattoos going up and down my arms and it's nothing a long sleeve shirt couldn't cover up and here more people need to work!  Yet because of bullshit rules like that, they aren't getting work.  It's pure bullshit, at it's purest form; all I want is a part time job like washing dishes and cleaning up my like mopping and sweeping.  An going back to McDonald's this all goes to having tattoos on my arms, nice work guys home the folks at McDonald's are proud of themselves.   I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing they do that to people, not hiring hard working; that desperately need a job right now.  To hell with you McDonald's I hope you choke. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Medical Marijuana

OK for the ones that may not know is I support medical Marijuana legalization.  I've held down good paying jobs while; on cop.  I've  almost killed myself on pols !another reason I do it because they almost killed md, I'd rather smoke pot then die on pills. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Thinking like a criminal

So law enforcement wants to end the drug war, law enforcement is doing it wrong!  A majority of them don't think like criminals, they need to think about it from a new prospective, they need to hire people like me; who've been on both sides of the fences.  One thing they need to do is give people incentive to quit and end the drug wars.  because if you can't clean up the hood and give poverty-stricken people a good paying job that'll put a major dent into the drug war.  An as for the addicts treat it for what it is, a health issue and not a law enforcement issue.  End the drug war...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Old war horse's

I guess I'm not exciting enough because I don't party like a wild man or drink like a fish anymore.  I'm just me, I'm a pothead so I'm comfortable just turning up tunes and or watching a movie and shooting the shit.  I can't find that here for some reason in Washington County,  I'm a old hillbilly hippie; who doesn't shoot up or anything.  Anyway I'm not looking for a pity party,  it seems like I'm not Mr excitement.  I'm just a old war horse, probably not good for much.  Later on..

Saturday, September 20, 2014

So much

I don't normally post more then one day but today is different, I keep thinking about how things are going it's very disappointing, but at least I can see my enemies coming better here; then wise county and granted it's not as extreme here, but still disappointing none the less.  I can understand the ones causing all this shit coming after me, but my girlfriend and other people, that can't defend themselves.  That's just flat out bullshit wrong, no matter how you cut it up and yet they wonder why I go off sometimes?!?!  I'm ready to just kick the door in, take her home, have her pack her things and tell them to kiss my fat ass!  But what I don't understand is why mess with people that have a hard enough time defending themselves?  I mean haven't they got lives or hell anything better to do?  I just find all this aggravating and depressing all at the same time, this is driving me to go to the hospital again.   I'm not breaking or anything just I don't want to do anything I'll regret later.  Stepping stone aka clubhouse a few of the consumers I can understand on why and how they at, but not a few of the staff, I find that the most hurtful.  I know I need to do something, but how do I do it without losing my temper again?  Any and all suggestions will be appreciated, but several of the staff make the rest of it look so bad and it's a true shame because stepping stone is a really great program and is a benefit to many people, including me!  But I'm trying to weigh the benefits of this because like I said certain staff are making it all look bad.  Like my case manager at stepping stone's doesn't even want to be there and she's one of the main instigators there.   But I know that this isn't a reflection of all the staff, but once again it's making them all look bad and it's making the program as a whole look bad, an I know there's people there, that trying to do good and help people, anyway enough for now..... later on :(

Seeing red...

I have to throw this out there, I know I have a temper and I'm not denying that.  But to shit on people that have a hard enough time to defend themselves?   I mean I'm a big boy I can defend myself,  I can handle it.  But DO NOT, dump on someone that can't, because it's cowardly of that person to do that to someone else.  A just flat out wrong, I'm no saint by any stretch of the word, but come on now? 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mind of a addict

This is something that is been spurred from a another former addict.  Not many people know this about me, but I was a addict, my vice of choice was pills.  Not just any kind of pills, but narcotic pills, benzo's and opiates.  This had started long before I became an addict, after suffering from abuse, not at home but elsewhere; I later started fighting a lot but the hurt still remained.  Well years later after I lost my mom, I snapped, I had lost her, my job, everything.  Instead of dealing with the pain, I tried to kill it with pills Xanax and loritabs.  One Nighy I got sick of it I took 10 Xanax 2 MG and 10 roxiset 60's that combo should've killed and would've killed most people, but it didn't me.  Because by then I had built up such a tolerance,  that I just slept for 20 hrs.  later I went to the ER and the attending physician,  expected to see me in a coma or dead.  But there I was just looking at him, still bombed out of my mind.  Well I was sent into rehab, if you've felt detox, then you know what I'm talking about,  but if you've not then trust me it's worse then it looks.   Things like withdrawal and rehab, are scary things to an addict, for me I begged them not to take away my pills because the fear of going without them was to much to bare.  An it doesn't hit you till about the third day, I mean it's you hard; you're puking your guts out and not eating.  Just wanting the sickness to go away, just one more fix to make the sickness to go away then I'll be fine.   We'll it doesn't work out like that,  you'll keep using till you get help or die, the thing is that it just doesn't destroy your life, but the ones around you.   It's a everyday struggle for some, but if you're struggling to quit get help, for friends and loved ones,  but most importantly for yourself, don't become another statistic....

Monday, September 8, 2014

After surgery......

Well it's been over a week since my back surgery 10 days I feel so much better yesterday I walked to church twice.  Including walking around the new neighborhood I walked six miles, which in the past walking 20 feet left me hurting so badly.  When I came to Washington County I literally had nothing , but what was in my pockets and the clothes on my back.  I'm still at that to some degree, but I'm slowly getting back on track and where I need; I'm going to be on top again.  It's nothing a little time and money can't replace, because this isn't nothing;  because I've been through hell and I kept on going.   An I didn't slow down and I didn't give up.  also life has taken a turn for the better even with me being a pothead... peace love live free or die hard...

Monday, September 1, 2014

My back surgery

Well I've had my back surgery and I'm in less pain now then before the surgery, even with 7 staples in my back.  I'll be moving out on my own again which I'm super excited about that, I'm back in college now which my first day I got my ass handed to me lol.  I'll be going to sign up for Netflix,  Hulu Plus and Pandora One accounts so I'll have all the music and movies I can handle.   Plus I got a boom box and chrromecast so now all I'm missing is a HDTV, an I got a HD antenna so I'll get local TV and radio, as well as the rest. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

What's humorous to me

I find idiotic people funny as hell, an when I tell them something.  Then their eyes glaze over or even better, they get pissed when they realize you made them look stupid; to show them how stupid they look and sound.  Anyway just my two cents ..

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Myths and legends

The realm of computers there's a lot of myths and legends.  There's like with the creation of Linux as a hacker OS, which is bullshit.  When Linus Torvalds created Linux, he wanted something similar to what he was using something in in Helsinki university; which was SunOS, so later came Linux and it being security focused; with the help of the GNU foundation.   Now onto GNU, Richard Stallman was a rebel in his own right.  When using Unix in the MIT artificial intelligence lab, he became tired of the politics of Unix and other hardware vendor's that basically said sharing is bad and not being able to fix problems in software code.  Well he later resigned from MIT and started the GNU foundation project, with the philosophy of freeing up the code and being able to share the source code, as well as allowing people to fix any bugs that are found and to improve on it.  But rebels in the IT industry go back even further and all males.  Grace Hopper was a navy woman who worked on various top secret projects, but one of the most most notably was working on a code breaking machine, she later developed several programming environments.  One of the most notable was COBAL which was and still is a very powerful programming language.  When the IT industry first started, it was done by a majority of women.  Which is why more women are being encouraged to enter the IT industry again.  Just a few facts for people to check out and some new directions for people to go in, later on..

Saturday, August 2, 2014


As time passes by it becomes more apparent on the importance of money, or I should say the focus of money.  In my younger days, I thought that was the only thing; an for some that'll always be.  Not saying money isn't needed, but it's not what life is all about.  Life, family, love, this are some of what's important in life, without that; how's money going to change anything for you.  Because we need to buy food, clothing and housing, so money is important in that respect; as well as other things.  But don't let it rule your life, because you can't put a price tag on the truly important things.  Greed can take many forms, it can truly be the root of all evil, because some get obsessed with money and it's all they care, love and think about.  Money can't buy life, love, peace of mind; an so much more then some people will ever realize.  Speaking for myself, money can't buy a hug from a loved one, or a newborn baby in your arms.  It can buy things to feed that newborn and be able to see that person that you want to hug.  Peace for now, demolition man out. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rough time

Well after being accused of being a snitch and getting screwed out of my back surgery today, needless to say I'm a bit pissed (that's a understatement, there ever was one).  But on the sunny side I talked to my brother (love you James), but I'll be going to get some other things and I'll be spending time with my honey.  But all will be going to get better, anyway later on...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The big day

Well tomorrow is the big day for me I'll be having my back surgery, I'm a little bit nervous; but who wouldn't be on a major surgery.  I'm just hoping I'll be pain free or at least in significantly less pain.  I've got major plans for after I'm healed, since I'll be starting college next month, an they have a gym there; I'll be able to exercise their.  An speaking of weight I'm at my goal weight which is 250 pounds.  An that's 60 pounds less then my high school weight and 115 pounds less then my max weight; which was 365 pounds.  Well that's all for now, later on and keep on the sunny side...

Monday, July 21, 2014


Well I've been brushing up on cybersecurity, especially on smartphones; well Android really screwed up (which I use).  Well after several horrid screw ups, they don't use buffer overflow vulnerability, mostly because they don't do the checks to prevent them.  Google said and I quote buffer stacks are bigger then we actually need (meaning we the public).  An that's laughable a hacker/cracker know better then that horse shit, so if you want to give Google and Android user's and know quite a bit about computers, as well as smartphones... well I'll leave that up to you.  Peace and chicken grease later...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Back surgery next week

Well I'll be having back surgery next week as I'm writing this it'll be on 07/23/2014 I'm nervous and relieved at the same time.  I'm nervous about going under the knife,  but relieved that I'll be out of pain.  I've been in pain for so long, I'd like to be able to smoke pot again; because the idea of being on pills scares me.  Due to pain I've been committed to a psych hospital, hate those fucking places except for the one outside of Radford Virginia saint albens that was a good one so if I ever needed to go back I'm going there.  Till later peace and chicken grease...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

More ZFS fun

Ass promised some links for Linux users or soon to be Linux users who are interested, this one is deb based; but most Linux operating systems are supported.  An if your interested in installing ZFS here are some starting points peace and chicken grease!!!

ZFS installed

Well this going to be a quick post this morning, but like 2 weeks ago; I installed ZFS on my laptop which is running Linux mint.  Which is so amazing in my book, for a pure Unix filesystem to be ported over to Linux, this a truly hardcore filesystem.  I haven't got much time to explain it right but that'll come in the future.  Tata loveys lol

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

In the beginning

Well I started in music and computers early before there was really a internet to speak of that we know now.  I started out playing on phone lines, for me it started out a article I saw; a gadget called a "blue box".  That was when I was 11, the net wasn't around then it had started to take place; but wasn't around.  As a way to get me to show by the time was in high school thanks to mom, I got more computer time and for the system administrator to keep me out of the way; he gave me project's to do.  I kinda got in trouble before that, I was making crank calls to like Hong Kong and Sweden.  But I wasn't paying for them.  Well the system administrator at the high school got wind of it and started to push me too, getting a career in IT.  Which after shoving horse poop, that sounded way better as you can imagine; so I went into it.  By 1995 something called Linux was released onto the internet and by 1997 I was using it exclusively only jumping back to Windows for gaming, well events happened and I was stuck with Windows for a long time.  Well thanks to a friend, I was back on Linux and I've never went back.  Well now on the good side, I've got on steam which now offers great games for Linux OS, so all is now good in my world...  Crow

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Plan 9 and Minix, a true Unix OG's

Well not many people know a whole lot about computers, outside of turn them and click on the IE icon.  But even less know where it truly started from, well that I'm about to tell you about a revolutionary idea in computers; that was a true game changer.  It started out in early 1970's, when Ken Ritchie and a few other's at AT&T's bell labs, wanted to save a old computer that his supervisor wanted to get rid of because it had "reached its end of life".  Well like a  lightening bolt it hit Ken Ritchie, then him and a very small group of people; went on to creating a operating system, which later was called Unix.  An something else monumental came out of that tiny room to, a programming language called "C++", what Ken Thomas and Dennis Ritchie and the others didn't know was they were creating history in that tiny room at Bell Labs.  Computers were starting to find to universities and government area's, outside of telephone companies!  It crested ripple affect in the early IT industry, many things have happened since then; but the story is now history, now Plan 9 is Unix, it's going by Plan 9 now.  An now what does Minix have to do with all this you ask?  Well lemme be the first, Linus Torvalds wanted a kernel that operated similar to the one the university he was at the time, which was a SunOS  computer, so he came across Minix; then downloaded and looked at the internals and then downloaded free tools from GNU.  Like for example GCC and EMACS, GCC stands for GNU C Compiler, an EMACS is a text editor.  Well after some time, the Linux kernel came to be and it's history,..especially to computer geeks like me!!!! '

SunOS Wiki:

The Linux kernel history wiki

To download Plan 9:

To download Minix:

To report any broken or dead link's please email me. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Dream desktop part deux

Ok here goes on what my dream desktop like as of now!  32 gigs of ram 2x4 terabyte hard-drives, 24 inch LED monitor nvidia graphics card with 4 gigs on that, LED case and mouse, CD/DVD rom, keyboard, 4 port v3 usb card (not to mention what's on the motherboard) built in WiFi, gigabyte nic card.  Doing a dual boot 4 terabytes running Linux Mint with cinnamon desktop and all the codecs 64 bit, the other 4 terabyte running ubuntu with xfce desktop doing the job of DNS; as well as a 1200 watt power supply unit  It's going to be a beast, I'm going to rock it like I own it.  Also I'm going to max out the ram and put a 1 terabyte solid-state hard-drive in my laptop, well that's about it for now so rock it like you own it.  Well everyone peace and keep on the sunny side..

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Unix and Linux fun for all

Well I've been downloading ISO's and kernels, so far I've downloaded just about every Unix and Linux distribution I would need to do anything I would need to do.  I've even downloaded the Hurd kernel, which was supposed to be the original kernel for GNU operating system, but Linus Torvalds came in at just the right time and the rest is computer history.  But still going to load up a distribution that's currently running the Hurd kernel and see what I can find out.  Even downloaded the Hurd kernel by itself so if I like it; I'm going to use it!  But now I can say I'm ready to take on the world of computers and have some fun along the way with my new IT exploits.  Monday I'm going to get a updated Linux kernel and install it, it's always fun to do this, but I'm the preventable Steve Urkel.  But I can also say I'd like to do a bowl right now too.  Wish I could shut my mind off for a few hours, but no such luck, but I can also say it's a blessing and a curse.  It's gotten me in and out of trouble many times.  But on another note, I'm ready for Easter, but I can't help but think of my mom on Easter, it was her favorite holiday.  An I know her and my son are in heaven, looking down at me no matter what I am doing; I just hope I get where I'm going.  It's been a chaotic time for me recently, but I'm happy for that and I'm enjoying it while it lasts.  Because bad times will come; but thing's do get better; but just takes time.  An like sand through an hourglass there goes the day's of lives lol.  Anyway I'm out, IT monkey out lol...

Friday, March 28, 2014

Hooking a desk today, instead of a corner

Well sitting at a desk, doing practically nothing nothing and bored; good I have a WiFi enabled cell l (haha).  An something I've known for quite some time is there are a lot of assholes out in society, an surprise I'm sitting next to one (he goes by Shawn); I could slap the living piss out of him and catch him alone and at night; I will.  Because anyone that knows me, when I say I'm going to do something, I do it!  Anyway I'm getting online more often now that there's more reliable WiFi networks in town.  So come Monday I'll be going full force online, I'm going to download pfsense, securityonion and FreeNas (yay me lol).  Well that's the jist of things at the moment, peace and keep on trucking!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Things that are meant to be

Well I'm finally going back to school, I'm so ready for it.  I bought a new laptop and I got rid of Windows, an put Linux Mint; an alternate kernel.  Also I got a new flash drive and went to the library and downloaded a ton ISO's; Linux and Unix, an many different architectures too.  I want to build a few servers, one running Samba; and the other running web and dns jobs.  I have like @15 gigs of just ISO's.  An that includes network installs.  So anyone need a computer tech, holler at me...peace

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Okay, just a quick post; I was locked in the state hospital and I was fine this time.  I basically got mad at some people, which granted can be scary for some people.  But I didn't need to go to the state mental health hospital for being pissed for a little while.  Even the psychologist told I was fine and didn't need to be there,  I also got booted out of where I live too; but the place that didn't all that; it all back fired on them big time.  Now I am in a new place and sitting on over 4200 bucks, so I paid up where I live for awhile and I am going shopping laptop, cell and a few other toys and stuff I desperately need.  As of now, I am doing all good so to all the people that screwed over a little while ago FUCK YOU  I am now the one that's ahead