Saturday, May 2, 2015

another birthday rolls around

Well Another birthday is rolling around for me, May 10th 1977; I came into the world.  Mortality is a tricky thing to comprehend and for some very disturbing; but their's others like me who think of life like this, we're born fill up time then die.  But what t I think is important is how we fill up that time, an hopefully for the right reasons, because if we make a difference in at least one persons life, can change our outcome so much for the better!  Because for the ones that want to make positive change not only in our own lives, but in others; we need to start with us.  An I can only hope I've done this, not just once, but several times over.  Because I've gotten that in my life several times over from friends, loved ones and complete strangers.  As I sit here and write this I often wonder, if it's even enough to even matter; I guess you can say Karma has blessed me over an over again and I just want to pay it to other people.  Anyway off to another adventure, may bright blessings follow whoever is reading this if anyone is...

P.S. my amazon and newegg wishlists are: