Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The revolution is starting now!

Well a lot of things have been happening, like people are starting to wake up a lot of things; whether it be personal or professional, or in society!  My girlfriend is now starting to realize this, in more ways then one; it's going to be hard for her to get up up to speed on things in her personal life, but i've got the utmost confidence that she can do it!   Because life is a dark highway, because our futures aren't written in stone; no fate but the fate we make for ourselves.

Monday, August 10, 2015

circle of life...

Well lost night a very good friend passed on from this life to other, I hope his suffering came to a end.  But something else happened to me that infuriates me to no end.  Someone stole off of him, I mean really stealing off a dead man, how fucking low can someone or some people be?  He cared about me and my girlfriend so much, an would do anything for us!  When I told him how rough I had it growing up and all that; it actually touched him and he wanted me to have something more like he had when he was younger.  if anyone that's reading this please send out prayers and good karma, if you don't believe in either, then some warm thoughts.   R.I.P. David "gunnie"  Robertson...

Saturday, May 2, 2015

another birthday rolls around

Well Another birthday is rolling around for me, May 10th 1977; I came into the world.  Mortality is a tricky thing to comprehend and for some very disturbing; but their's others like me who think of life like this, we're born fill up time then die.  But what t I think is important is how we fill up that time, an hopefully for the right reasons, because if we make a difference in at least one persons life, can change our outcome so much for the better!  Because for the ones that want to make positive change not only in our own lives, but in others; we need to start with us.  An I can only hope I've done this, not just once, but several times over.  Because I've gotten that in my life several times over from friends, loved ones and complete strangers.  As I sit here and write this I often wonder, if it's even enough to even matter; I guess you can say Karma has blessed me over an over again and I just want to pay it to other people.  Anyway off to another adventure, may bright blessings follow whoever is reading this if anyone is...

P.S. my amazon and newegg wishlists are:

Saturday, April 25, 2015

online services and taxes, what's next??

Well as the saying goes “the only thing certain in life is death and taxes!!”. Well that's a bit of a loaded saying to say, uncertainty is all over the place; plus as rising gas prices and the like more people are looking to online shopping to get those items; they may not see in a reasonable distance away for travel or just the logistics may be a issue!?!? Now many states charge Internet taxes on goods bought online, as it stands in Virginia there is a Internet sales tax; which I think there needs to be a sales tax; but for two states? Personally I think that's bad business, one sales tax on the Internet not from two or three states, something within reason too. A lot of my ideas are just common sense idea's to reach a middle ground for everyone, so everyone walks away a winner! Quick rant to get people thinking on things! Till later loveys....

Thursday, April 23, 2015

time to get on up!!!

Well I am going to start charging for all work with a minimum of 10 dollars for all work.  The first reason being, I am that good and there's not much I can't do; when it comes to computer work!  Another thing is I need to stick to it and wait to be paid before I do my work; another thing is I stand by my work if I can't fix it or mess up I pay to have it fix or keep working till I make it right!!  I'd like to give a big shout out to Misty Hewitt for being a good friend and one of a small few that understands what the hell I'm talking about.  Till then I'll be coming up more jobs to show everyone peace and fight the real enemy.....

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easy Money.....

I love my life, I used to get paid an obscene amount of money to work on computers all day.  But I am currently on disability, now what I used to get paid to do full time, I still do for fun; except now I just charge a pack of Marlboro's and a two liter mountain dew.  An for the record if someone wants to pay me more, I'll gladly accept it; for example someone paid me 60$ for like 30 mins of work!  Most of it was just letting the DVD of Linux Mint run and then update an add a few tasty programs on there.  I mean how many people can say they get paid to do what they love?  I have my mom to thank for this, for two reasons.  First she encouraged me to do something I love and run with it, would've either been IT or music; secondly she showed up to a jobs she hated to make sure I was took care of, an she didn't want me that for me granted she installed in me a tremendous work ethic, that surpasses quite a bit of people.  An today still I want to get back to work, I still want and need a job; I would feel so much better about myself if I had a job.  An I take pride in my workmanship because I was also raised to do it right the first time, because after awhile mistakes start to cost money and it's time and money that are in short supply these day's, An if you choke a smurf they turn purple so that ya know LOL...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Revolution has begun

Well with IT folks like yours truly, a revolution is beginning again!  An because of profiteering gullotons, that extort money for bad code and even worse tech support.  When there's free and open-source code, that's freely available and open for everyone!  One case in point Linux mint, which is a open-source operating system and it's free as in cost, an free as in speech.  I've been preaching the importance of open-source software for many moons.  An for various reasons, for one it encourages sharing and freedom of speech (which is very important to me), also if there's a problem; you're legally allowed to fix it without getting in trouble and you're legally allowed to modify the code to fit your needs.  An you're encouraged to share your modified code to anyone.  An I whole heartedly believe in a free and open society and that's what open-source software represents, freedom.  So in short support open-source software, because you support freedom, as in freedom of speech...

Friday, February 20, 2015

So they think they'll win

Ok some people they can strong arm or get ill with me, an I'll roll over and be a good little boy.  Well they obviously don't know me to well, because I can be just as much or more of an asshole; I don't take shit off of no one.  An I answer to no one, so needless to say if someone steps up; 90% of people will fail.  That being said you've been warned....

Monday, January 26, 2015


There's a difference between sarcasm and smartass.   Plus to be a smartass, but that's kinda a contradictory in terms; if you're not smart you're just an ass.  That being said if you're going to run off at the mouth at least know what you're talking about, just don't run off at the mouth and not because you just make yourself look more stupid then you already are.  Rant officially over

Monday, January 19, 2015

Love and lust, an a little of both

Well women are truly amazing, I keep thinking on how prefect some are.  I'm also thinking how long it's been since I've had sex.  I'm horny as hell too, I want to make love not just have sex.  But I'm sure there's lots of people who don't think about sex and are cool with it!  Unfortunately I'm not one of those people I'm a straight guy who isn't blind or dead yet.  I'm going to put more of my thoughts and feelings on here, not just IT things which I'll always love computers and music, but there's more to me then just that!  It's been so long since I've blogged it's unreal.