Thursday, June 30, 2016

Slowly but surely

Well like the title says, I've slowly but surely getting better.  Because I was having a rough time as of late and just aggrivated that I was doing doing badly again, but I'm thankful that it didn't require hospitalization or going to a crisis recovery program.  But it did take awhile and yes I did feel mentally bad, with my symptoms being elevated, but I'm also proud of myself that I managed my symptoms on my own this time.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Summer time

Well summer time for some people is a great season, but if you're mentally ill summer or any other seasons aren't so fun.  Because if you're struggling to manage your symptoms , an yes sometimes it can be extremely difficult to do and be discouraging and disheartening.  But if you've got your symptoms well maintained, there will be times when you relapse and you may have to be hospitalized. But because we relapse doesn't mean we've failed; it just means we've needed more help then say our therapist or psychologist can do at the time.  But early warning sides need to be seen early, an once you're aware of them; come make a appointment with your therapist and or psychologist.  Because it could be as simple as a medication change or just a responsive ear from your therapist.  But please, if you need help go get it immediately, because the problems won't go away on there own and you need to help yourself before you can help anybody else.  

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Good days and bad days

Well can say that we've had good days and bad days in our lives, but if you're mentally ill; it can be especially tough to see those good days and as of today for has been mixed.  I didn't sleep much the night before and I've been dragging all day, an I'll be taking my bedtime medication soon and hopefully I'll be back in bless full ignorance after it kicks in.  Because I know that when I don't a good night sleep the following day I feel off.  But to change to a more positive note, I'm debating on whether or not to become a virtual bookkeeper and get off disability and start to make instead of making a tiny check that only comes on the 3rd of the month.  Because money is a big stressor for me then some people might believe for me or for a majority of the mass public and it's debatable on whether it's getting better or worse.  Also I talk about mental health issues a lot because blogging is a coping skill for me and it gives me a chance to tell my side of the story, an give a real life perspective on mental illness from someone who truly is mentally ill and I've got a dual diagnosis.  One I'm mentally ill and recovering drug addict, but I know recovery is possible and I'm living proof of that.  One thing I can say is that I wish I wasn't mentally ill, but on the same token recovery is possible and it's a everyday thing.  That's all for now, cheers and stay frosty....

Friday, June 3, 2016

Taking special requests

Where I've been doing computers for long , I'm taking special requests to build custom computers for people and all you gotta do is buy the hardware and the operating system you choose.  Because I don't have windows or mac operating systems, but I do got Solaris, pc bsd and Linux.  My rates are cheap I charge on a sliding scale.  So if you want one of the best, please leave a me a message on Skype which is ZenDog77 thanks keep on the sunny side...