Monday, October 28, 2013

Free as in speech and free as in beer

Ok here's the plan, I want to hack the Linux kernel for a great Linux OS like Debian; take advantage of Xeon processors.  Which have flooded the market, an as of now RedHat Linux is the only company that does that.  But they are not very forthcoming about there code, but what surprises me more is no outside developers have jumped on this.  Here I'm wanting a Xeon based servers for hope use which might I add have gone down so much in price.  Something I'm gonna do is when I get my coding skills back up to par, an get a gently used Xeon based server to code on so I'll probably have to put a 64 bit version on it; then setup a virtual setup to try an get it to code on.  I'll keep everyone posted on my progress

Monday, October 14, 2013

Mental health and distro fun

I saw an app for android and I'd like .to port that for other operating systems more so linux and copyright it under the gpl.  It's called PTSD coach or something to that affect, an it's good for a cell environment; but I'd like to that expand on that expand on that.  Like recording patterns, to get more information on triggers and a journaling system to take to mental health professionals just a thought...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Expanding my blog

Well like the title says I'm going to expand what I talk about more thongs more then my usual rants.  Two more subjects I'm going to talk about is mental health and the IT field.  Also I'm going have snippets of code I'm going to be working on.  Because a big ambition right now for me is working on the bsd and linux kernels and if I create any apps they are gonna be under the bsd/MIT license and GPL licenses

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I'm wondering

I know I'm not a saint by any stretch of the word, but I know I don't deserve all this.  But some people just can't stop from sturring up shit.  They are hell bent on destroying another persons life.  Because they don't get their way, life does suck sometimes.  But I'm stating my life over with a more positive vibe and it'll happen.  Carroll may be my last name but I'm an Osborne by blood.  Time for everyone to either stand beside me or leave my life.  Peace all and for the ones that stay thanks I'll have your back too and for the ones leave it was nice knowing you!!