Saturday, March 26, 2016

I've noticed

When I first started this blog, thing's were so scattered for me and my life was going in so many directions, an a majority of them I wasn't to keen on.  But these days, it's a much different story; my life has gotten more stable!  Now I'm on the right kind of psych medication and I'm actually interested in becoming a peer support specialist, plus my future has improved greatly.  What brought me to this is older posts I had posted on this very blog on mine!  Another thing I'm trying to do is being a more productive citizen and just all around better person.  When I first went back to them, at first they made me sad and ashamed about what was still so wrong in my life.  Apparently I still was somewhat dulsional in some respects, this grandiose visions of thing's would just happen and I'm a nice guy; an things would fall right in my lap right this second.  Well apparently I needed to stay in a psych hospital then I thought and I was fooling myself and others.  An something else, we tend be hardest on ourselves; then anybody else.  But I've gotten a lot smarter and wiser since a few years ago.  An in hopes I keep on that same path, keep your stick on the ice...

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