Monday, May 23, 2016

Home movie theater

One of my favorite things to do is go to movie theaters and concerts, but when we get our own place; I want to build a home theater.  An I want to make it like a concert hall too, because I'm really big on audio and video.  An I've always enjoyed the movie going experience and as well as the concert going experience too.  Because it's so rare that you witness that true MOJO that is a great concert and movie experiences.  Because true artists and that true gems, are so far and between these days, it's truly sad that because that true artistic spark is dim; but not gone.  But anyway I've got a majority of things I'd need to this on my amazon wishlist and one day I hope to accomplish this personal goal.  An I know that sometimes dreams do come true for the most part, just as long as it's not so far fetched, but more realistic dreams do come true. 

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