Friday, October 17, 2014

Hitting the streets

Well time for me to be hitting the streets again, the only decent place in Virginia is probably Charlottesville Virginia.  Not sure where I'll end up, I go where God and the wind takes me.  there's risks in no matter what you do, some are bigger then others; but I'm reminded of the saying "if your dreams don't scare you, then you're not dreaming big enough"!  Sadly outside of my fiancé and some really close friends, there's nothing keeping me here.  But I've proven to myself, I'm stronger than I think and I can start over anywhere.  But on the good side I maybe getting a part time job, an if I do I'll be able to save up more money and hopefully get a place sooner!  I'm hoping I can get a job at the holiday Inn or burger King, both for different reasons;  holiday Inn if I ever lose my place or if there's any reason I need to spend the night or if there's a convention I can just stay there, but burger King I can get food for free!  But I do know need money to get the hell out of here, because things are so bad here.  I know when I get my bus ticket, I was raised on the highway interstate 81 as a matter of fact.  There's times where I feel like I'm a born drifter, I still dream about finding a place to spend the rest of my life; with the ones I love.  Also I can say this from all the shit I've been through, it's taught me a lot, that you can go two ways when times; you can either let it kill you or you can it let it make it you stronger.  But anyway in the immortal words of the doors "time hesitate us through".....

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