Thursday, May 9, 2013

Well new times and things are coming

Well we're still stuck in Virginia for now.  But all good to those who wait, or so I'm told anyway!  We will be moving to the Augusta area of Georgia, which I'm excited and nervous about; one thing I'm hoping for is to be able to find a job that pays pretty good and has good benefits.  I would like to start school again maybe get into computer programming and if I don't get a job in that I can at least do it in my spare time, being able to contribute to the Linux and bsd kernels.  But I would like a job in that because I think it would fit me better and maybe in my spare time take some cooking classes.  One thing I remember is I had a great life at one time, I'm still trying to figure out where it all went wrong.  One thing I do know I'll never have that sense of normalcy again, but I know I'll at least have a better quality of life from now on.  Because even with my issues I'm getting better and will keep moving forward, an if I have a setback just dust myself off and keep getting back up, an most importantly never give up. 

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