Friday, April 29, 2016


Sometimes blessings are hard to notice.  Because they're so small that they just shoot on by without us noticing.  But they're there, to say the least.  Like for example food, some people take that for granted; till it's not there and medication; same thing.  But to the ones that weren't able to get it and then suddenly able those turn into big blessings.  So count your blessings no matter how small or trivial they may seem; because at the end of the day, you woke up alive for that day. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Pressure is on...

A lot has been going, which can put a lot of pressure on anybody.  But what's important is how we deal with the stress and speaking for myself, I try to make health; an productive as possible.  An I know this may sound weird, but find a wall; when nobody is around and vent; say what's on your mind to the wall.  An another thing is I turn up the music loud.  But we all gotta do what works for us that's healthy and productive manner.  Because if you don't you're just destroying yourself. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Sitting idle

In my option sitting idle has to be the worst thing in the world.  Just sitting there with nothing to do, an a wondering mind.  Sometimes if you're mentally ill; that usually leads to no good.  That's why remaining busy and productive is always preferred with healthy activities is so important.  Which that's lead me to a psych hospital with that.  Anyway like the Carter family song, "keep on the sunny side". 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ready to hit the streets

That past road trip to Gatlinburg, made me think; about how I miss traveling.  There's a few places I'd like to go to, like for example to a beach.  Because I've never been to the and I'd like to go to one.  Also there's a few places in other countries I'd like to visit; that are on my bucket list.  An for example to go learn to surf in south Africa. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Books I like

There's a few authors that have truly captivated me.  Like for example Harlen Ellison, Poppy Z. Brite and Mercedes Lackey to just name a few.  Plus I've always liked authors that are left of center.  An most importantly they've got a very important message to say, if you're very in tuned to it.  An last but not least, books can take you where it's not possible at this; so kemo reading.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Places I like

As the title suggests, I'll be talking about places I like.  An to start out in Virginia, I've always liked the Virginia side of Bristol, an I like Scott county and last but not least Charlottesville.  But I often wonder, what it'd be like to take off now that I'm with Rachel (Rachel is my fiance).  Because now it's not all about me, like it has been.  Because in the past, I could just up and take off whenever I wanted.  But now it's not the case, I've got responsibilities now; an other people to think about now.  But I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I can say I love her more then anything.  An some more places I like is Hawkims county Tennessee and as well as Kingsport and Johnson cities in Tennessee.  An last but surely not least is Jenkins Kentucky. 


Today so far has been uneventful, which makes me kinda depressed; because I don't feel like I'm being productive.  An that I find depressing, which I'm trying to find something to do.  I know I'd like to do some cooking, which I'm to try an do some cooking this coming Friday I hope.  But I'll be watching dune, one of my favorite movies.  Till later....

Saturday, April 16, 2016

New places

First I'd like to say here's the address to my tech blog that being said onto my post.  This past Friday I went to Gatlinburg Tennessee; to see Ripley's aquarium.  That was the first time going to Gatlinburg Tennessee and Ripley aquarium.  The traffic was bad and it's expensive there; but that's the only bad things I got to say about it.  I'd like to go back to visit again, hopefully the next I go again I'll be a little more prepared.  Although I'm still stiff from all the walking and I've been exercising.  but anyway till later...

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Road tripping

Today I've been thinking about how I'd like to go on a road trip.  Not that I'm going to do it this very minute; but it would be nice to just up an take off for a few days.  But not sure where I'd even go.  One place I'd like to go is California, like maybe San Francisco.  But anyway nice dream anyway; maybe one day...

Friday, April 8, 2016


Memories can be a blessing and a curse.  But for this post, it's good memorize.  But I used to go this convention in Frederick Maryland, called evecon; which holds a special place in my heart!  Because of all the fond memorize it's given me.  But there's three conventions, that I still want to go too; first is dragon con, comicon and shmoocon.  Dragon con and comicon are a lot alike in many ways, both cater to the scifi fantasy crowds.  While shmoocon is a hacker / cyber security convention, it's still a valuable learning experience. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

First impressions.

Growing up, I've heard first impressions are everything.  But it's not always the case, because sometimes what you see at first; isn't always what you bargained for.  Because sometimes someone doesn't always show their true colors till it's to late.  Wish this wasn't the case, but sadly it is. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Not so good timing

Well today good timing isn't on my side, because I got asked if I was able to work; which I'd rather be doing that; then sitting in a doctors office right now!  Because I need the money more then some people might realize; which is why I usually job at the chance to earn some extra money.  But hopefully if I don't get rained out tomorrow; I'll be able to earn some extra money working on weed eating.   Which I'm also trying to find some computer work too.  But I'll pretty much take any paying job; with in reason.  But part of the reason I like doing yard work, because I like being outside; so that way it's a win win.  So anybody close by needing something done send me a message... 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Mobile 1

You know some people it's very easy to just pick up an leave, especially if you've got a steady income coming in.  Like me for example, the first time I left wise county; I just packed some clothes and sentiment items; an left.  But if you've got responsibilities to kids and family; it's harder.  Unless you're a dead beat; who cares about nothing or nobody.  But sometimes it's nice to be able to just up and take off.  One thing I'd have to carry with me, would be this glass chess set, that two very good friends got for me; Connie and Larry Page.  An I'm so thankful to have great people like that in my life now. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Socializing more.

Well I'm in a day program now, I've been going a few days a week for the past few weeks.  I'm learning to be not so antisocial, mostly because of some people's bad behavior.  But I'm surrounded by nice people who care; who want to see me succeed.  Which I'm still trying to adjust to it; but I'll play it by ear for right now.